Madame Pommery Book Review

Madame Pommery Book Review

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Madame Pommery – Creator of Brut Champagne by Rebecca Rosenberg
Madame Pommery Book Review
Actually I haven’t started this book yet, but the door hanger was too cute to pass by!

I just finished reading one of the Champagne Widows Novels — Madame Pommery Creator of Brut Champagne. Her life was a wild ride and Rebecca Rosenberg captures Madame Pommery’s determination to make her champagne dreams come to fruition with a pointant and sometimes heart wrenching story. We are in Madame Pommery’s corner right from the first paragraph and Rosenberg holds our attention up to the final sentence. I hope my Madame Pommery book review makes you add this fabulous book to your reading list.

Follow along as a widow, mother, etiquette teacher, and orphanage founder morphs into the creator of brut champagne. In 1860, Madame Pommery’s husband Louis passed away leaving her with a young daughter, a college age son, and a floundering business. Her vision and tenacity combine to create a champagne legacy that lives on still today.

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Madame Pommery

Madame Pommery Book Review

The intriguing story crafted by Rosenberg takes us along for a bumpy ride across the 19th century French social class system. Pommery’s “glass ceiling” — more like a glass wall — where women did not own businesses, bank accounts, land, nor have voting rights, is constantly putting up blockades in her path to success. Madame Pommery, a forty year old widow and etiquette teacher, struggles internally with the “proper way” vs the “men’s business way.” The struggle is real as she interacts with the entrenched champagne patriarchs and required business associates.

We cry when her dreams are crushed with the raging Franco-Prussian war and her entire crew are conscripted to fight. We are surprised at the startling moment she realizes Prussian General Frederick Franz occupies home, putting her champagne dreams in jeopardy. As readers, we are conflicted when her former lover, a Scottish Baron, unexpectedly proposes marriage. We are breathless when the secret wine caves are the perfect place to hide the French resistance fighters. Throughout the novel, we are standing beside Madame Pommery, cheering her on to champagne victory.

Through grit and determination, Pommery forges on with her quest to produce the finest champagne. While she strives to build a spectacular castle winery to showcase her beautiful winery cellars.

Madame Pommery Book Review

You can find Madame Pommery Creator of Brut Champagne on Amazon

Rosenberg takes you on a journey with Pommery, you are routing for her success through all her blockades. Each chapter presents a new and potentially crushing roadblock that Pommery must overcome to realize her dream of crafting the classic effervescent wine. A persistent Scottish Baron, an untrustworthy banker, Napoleon’s thirst for war, and champagne competitors are woven through the story, captivating your interest with each page. This fascinating story of strength and fortitude is a reminder to everyone to face their challenges with grace and strength.

Rebecca Rosenberg’s offers readers another Champagne Widows series book, Champagne Widows: First Woman of Champagne, Veuve Clicquot. It should definitely be on your reading list too.

Champagne Tastes To Create At Home

Madame Pommery Book Review

You can taste this wonderful Champagne Brut for yourself. Wine on Line Delivery offers 10 different varieties of Pommery Champagne. Enjoyed anytime, you can sip a glass of this fine champagne while you revel in Madame Pommery’s triumphs. As you read, you are confident Madame Pommery’s champagne history is secure.

Madame Pommery And Her Beautiful Winery

“Based on a true story, Madame Pommery is a heroic novel about a mother and widow who fights the Prussians, the social class system, campagne patriarchs, and champagne tastes to create a champagne legacy.”

You can find Madame Pommery Creator of Brut Champagne on Amazon

Madame Pommery Creator of Brut Champagne is perfect for your next book club read. Imagine discussing the true story — Madame Pommery pursuing her passionate quest to create her champagne legacy while sipping fine champagne with your book club besties. Madame Pommery Creator of Brut Champagne offers a Reading Guide in the appendix supplying excellent book club discussion questions.

Happy Reading,



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Madame Pommery Book Review

Madame Pommery Book Review

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  1. Ohhh I loved this review of Madame Pommery Creator of Brut Champagne! It is now added to my must-read list. I had no idea that there was a woman behind this champagne…what a great story and so inspiring! (This is also makes for the perfect excuse to indulge in a bottle to cheers to Madame!)

  2. I’ve never heard of this book or series, but it sounds like a good read. I haven’t read any historical fiction in a while, at least none before the 1970s. I kind of forgot I like this era, and now I’m inspired to look closer at this one. Thanks for suggesting it!

  3. Reading is one of my passions. So greatly appreciate book reviews like this one about Madame Pomeroy. And I love champagne so will need to pop a bottle when I read it.

  4. I love relaxing and reading a good book! Can’t wait till I can enjoy the beautiful weather outside and read all summer!

  5. I really want to read this now! I love anything about ‘glass ceiling/glass wall’ breaking, especially at a time when it wasn’t advised to do so. Madame Pommery certainly was a trailblazer in my opinion.

  6. This book review has definitely left me wanting to read Madame Pommery. She was such an example of woman empowerment and well ahead of her time. And what a lovely excuse to enjoy some champagne while you get lost in a story.

  7. Such a great Madame Pommery review! The legacy created and left is wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

  8. One of my favorite champagnes! I enjoyed reading the review 🙂 The perfect excuse to pop open a bottle and have some “me” time with a good book!

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